
We co-hosted a party Tuesday night in NYC along with The New York Times, Sphere, Hearst Interactive, GigaOM and True Ventures.

The idea was to bring together lots of various media companies, both traditional and new — and talk about tech, web2.0, publishing, and all the great activity happening in our space.

The venue was a perfect symbol of the blending on traditional and new, the recently redesigned Hearst building on 57th & 8th ave, with one of the best views I’ve seen in New York – an unobstructed view of central park.

Big thanks to everyone involved especially Shea Di Donna who as always makes it all happen like magic !

It was great to see lots of familiar face including Jason Schaeffer of CNNMoney, Lindsay Campbell of, Jamie Thingelstad of Dow Jones, Adam Embick of Sphere, Kelly Leach of Dow Jones, Jon Friedman of MarketWatch, Andrew Madden of Google, Josh Macht of HBR, Karen Saltser of Real Simple, Scott Kurnit, Jeff Misenti of Fox News, Ken Marcus of CondeNet, Tim Morrison of, and Christine Mohan of Dow Jones & allthingsD.

Jason Calcanis was also there and captured some video via his mobile hookup, and Jamie Thingelstad and Josh Guttman of Sphere also captured a few photos.

Great event and always fun to be back in New York.

NewTeevee event @ the Pier: Citizen News

newteeveeI had the pleasure of attending NewTeeVee’s Citizen News event the other day, and I came away super impressed. The GigaOm team really knows how to put on a great event with the right mix of content, interesting judges, a good crowd and spot-on sponsorships that really ad value to the event.

The topic centered around citizen journalism/news and showcased several video clips that were later voted on by the audience ( via SMS ).

You can see all the videos here — but I wanted to highlight two in particular that really stood out for me, and turned out to be voted on #1 and #2 respectively by the crowd.

The first video was an installment from the “Alive in Baghdad” series, “Sectarian Violence is a Daily Experience”. Really compelling content, and unfiltered in a way that conveys maximum information and clarity. For all the mentos diet coke content out there (which rocks!), it’s great to also see truly powerful journalism being done by a small group of individuals who have the power of online distribution. (More great investigative journalism highlighted recently in a post by Marhsall Kirkpatrick)

The second video is called “Bodega”. It was very well produced and instantly genuine — to the point that I felt like I jumped back to new york, and was grabbing a yoohoo after a yankees game !